Im Tirtzu currently operates 20 branches universities and colleges across Israel.

Each branch consists of 2-4 coordinators who activate a core cadre of several dozen student activists who maintain ongoing activities, as well as several hundred less active students who receive alerts about activities and attend some of these. The branches are mainly involved in conducting educational and advocacy activities to strengthen the Zionist values and Jewish identity of the student body, while providing a response to the lack of any similar activities offered by the universities themselves.

The branches organize lectures and panel discussions with the participation of professors and academics, government ministers, Knesset Members and former and current politicians, media personalities and experts on security, statesmanship, Zionism and Judaism.

Activities also include screening films on issues related to Zionism and the Arab-Israeli conflict, tours to Hebron and Jerusalem, volunteer work, running weekly booths on campus with pro-Israel advocacy material, and providing responses to incidents involving anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli incitement on the campuses.

In addition, the branches also conduct cultural events related to Hebrew and Jewish culture and study evenings on issues related to Zionism, Judaism and current events.