Together with Canadians for Israel’s Legal Rights (CILR), Im Tirtzu launched a new public campaign aimed at debunking the occupation lie.

The utterly baseless notion that Israel occupies “Palestinian land” is one of the most pernicious lies used to discredit, demonize, and delegitimize the Jewish state and the Jewish people.

This “Big Occupation Lie” has become the driving source of BDS and modern-day anti-Semitism, and with all the discourse surrounding the Deal of the Century it is critical to explain the simple truth that Jews are indigenous to the Land of Israel.

The campaign coincides with the 100th Anniversary of the seminal San Remo Conference, convened by the Allies of World War I in April 1920.

The campaign is going on the offensive by creating and promoting a wide range of content debunking the “Big Occupation Lie,” including viral videos on social media; educational lectures in Israel and Canada; the distribution of advocacy materials throughout Israel and Canada; and large billboards in Israel’s major cities.

We will also be hosting a high-profile conference in Israel in April 2020, which will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the San Remo Resolution.